Startup + Space = a perfect combination of two words

This domain name is in use for the Secure Login Panel for Data services
that the owner of the domain name operates.

Until recently, the domain name public DNS was parked partially, and used internally on private DNS for
devices to collect IoT sensor data and geospacial information as part of a research and development effort.

Due to the high amount of interest and volume of inquiries about purchasing the domain name, it has been
listed on various Multiple Listing Services for domain names to where it can be purchased from most
registrars at an amount that was pragmatically set by the owners to be one which would convince them to
consider moving to use of another domain name.

While awaiting that, the name shall remain in use by the owners, and otherwise reserved for their future use.

Want this name? You can find it at your domain name registrar at our pre-calculated moving costs.
If there is a desire to talk the registrants into parting with the name and using a different domain
name for their R&D work, you can enter into dialog via these companies:

DomainAgents Sedo